Wednesday, 25 April 2012



Source : Waislama

The Qur’an always refers to many universes, in which science nowadays just has produced a hypothesis and a model about multiple universes.

The appeal of The Qur’an about the truth is very universal – timeless and space less, addressed to the whole mankind and the groups of jinn.

Sometimes, The Qur’an mentions creatures on Earths and skies meaning the whole creatures known or unknown yet.

The Qur’an is an Eternal Policy

Every verses, even the total number of verses and words, the name of surah (chapters) is an eternal policy containing several meanings, which are relevant to the level of human’s knowledge who read it.

Let’s see, the two verses of Surah Ar Rahman 55: 19 – 20

“He has let loose the two seas (the salt and fresh water) meeting together. Between them is a barrier which none of them can transgress.”

It is an interesting phenomenon which recently explained by the Expert of Oceanography from France, Jacques Yves Cousteau who investigated various kinds of ocean near the Gibraltar Straits. He found that the meeting between the water of Mediterranean and the water from Atlantic Ocean has not been mixed, although both of them are salty.

But the degree of their salinity is different so it can produce such an invisible dam or membrane.

~  The water of Mediterranean Ocean with salinity above 36,5% and temperature about 11,5°C, isolated in the depth of 900 to 1100 meters,

~  while the water from Atlantic Ocean has salinity under 35%, covering the water of Mediterranean Ocean with temperature under 10°C.

In the next verses of Surah Ar Rahman 55 : 21 – 22, Allah The Almighty shows His Great Signs :

“Then which of The Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? Out of them both come out pearl and coral.”

Most of the translators 20 years ago, with one or two exceptions, translated “marjan” with coral”. Although the majority of the experts of Qur’anic exegesis stated that “marjan” contains more sparkling pearl. So far, all the experts based on their knowledge think that pearl just come out from the ocean, while this verse stated that the pearl can be formed either in the salty ocean or the fresh water.

Encyclopedia Britannica, Micropaedia 1977 proves the truth of that verse. It explained that the pearls have been cultivated in the rivers of Bavaria Forest (Europe), even the cultivation of pearls had been known in China before 1000 BC.

Let’s continue to discuss the other verse which requires astrophysical knowledge, a combination between astronomy, physics and mathematics, namely surah An Nur (The Light):

“Allah is The Light of the heavens and the earth. The parable of His Light is as (if there were) a niche and within it a lamp: the lamp is in a glass, the glass as it were a brilliant star, lit from a blessed tree, an olive, neither of the east (i.e. neither it gets sun rays only in the morning) nor of the west (i.e. nor it gets sun rays only in the afternoon, but it is exposed to the sun all day long), whose oil would almost glow forth (of itself) though ni fire touched it. Light upon Light! Allah guides to His Light whom He wills. And Allah sets fort parables for mankind, and Allah is All-Knower of everything.”

The essence of this verse is that Allah is The Only One who gives light in the Universe without fire touch. But related to a parable, a modern translator such as Malik Ben nabi explained that “misykat” is light bulb, the tree is wolfram filament glowing because of electrical effect without fire touch, covered by glasses to bounce the light to all directions so it can light the whole rooms. The light bulb is an impenetrate screen because of vacuum, there’s no oxygen.

In the further analysis, Mohamed Asadi in his book, The Grand Unifying Theory of Everything, a parable in that verse reflects a phenomenon of quasar and the gravitation of lens effect which produced light upon light. Quasar or Stellar Quasy is an object in the skies found first time in 1963. This object must have an extra large energy so it can be seen from the earth. Its energy comes from “the center of very massive black hole”.

The first character of this verse is misykat means black hole, while the second character is the light in glasses means galaxy producing the effect of lens gravitation such as quasar covered by glasses. It is lighten without fire touch, this fact reflects nuclear fusion producing a very bright light, in which there’s no oxygen in the outer spaces for burning.

The Age of the Universe

Profesor Jean Claude Batelere from College de France stated that the age of the universe is about 18 billion years old.

In The Qur’an, there are two verses indicate the count of universe beside the meaning of time relativity, namely Surah Sajdah 32: 5 and Al Ma’arij 70: 4.

“He manages and regulates (every) affair from the heavens to the earth; then it (affair) will go up to Him, in one Day, the space whereof is thousand years of your reckoning (i.e. reckoning of our present world’s time).”
Sajdah 32: 5

“ The angels and the Ruh (Gabriel) ascend to Him in a Day the measure whereof is fifty thousand years.”
Al Ma’arij 70: 4

We can note that Al Qur’an does not say 50.000 years time on earth. Because the time is relative in a certain place in the heavens, whereof a day is 1.000 years time on earth.

Let’s count the convertion of relative time of the universe :

50.000 x 365,2422 = 18.262.110

A day in “a certain place” in the universe, where the angels report their affairs, equals to 1.000 year on earth:
18.262.110 x 1000 = years or 18,26 billion years.

Thus, the relative age of the universe is 18, 26 billion years. The result is almost the same with the result of Professor Jean Claude Batelere from College de France.

Metonic Cycle

In the Qur’an there is a word syahr or month mentioned 12 times. It is relevant to the total number of months in a year.

While the word yaum or day is mentioned for about 365 times in the Qur’an . It is also relevant to the average number of days in a year.

But the word sanah or year is mentioned 19 times in the Qur’an. How can we understand this fact?

Thanks for astronomy.

The number 19 or 19 years is a period where the relative position of earth and moon back to the previous position periodically after 19 years. This cycle is found by Meton from Greek and it is called Metonic Cycle.

Why 19 years?

Because the phase of years counted from the sun and moon rotations will meet exactly in the 19th cycle.

For moslem, using calendar based on moon rotation is more recomended because it is relevant to their needs to count Ramadhan fasting month, month for pilgrimage to mecca and other Islamic events. Such calendar was also used by Jews, Babylon and China.

Thus, the repitition of a certain word in the Qur’an has a deep meaning, and recently known by the readers when they have knowledge and science background.

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